Rational Functions

The main purpose of this package is to explicitly compute the flag Hilbert–Poincaré series and its specializations like Igusa'a local zeta function. We keep variable letters consistent with Maglione–Voll; the exception is that we replace $q^{-s_x}$ by $t_x$, for some label $x$. We define all of the rational functions, but defer to Maglione–Voll for the details.

We omit the analogous definitions for matroids. Since all of the rational functions here are related to the flag Hilbert–Poincaré series, the matroid versions use the lattice of flats of the given matroid and possibly Theorem B of Maglione–Voll.

All of these functions contains many optional parameters. With the exception of TopologicalZetaFunction, these are present to either provide print statements or save on computation time by using data previously computed. Unless these data have been computed, one should leave such parameters set to None.

For example, if one wants to compute the combinatorial skeleton, the Igusa zeta function, and the topological zeta function of $\mathcal{A}$, then it would be beneficial to first compute the lattice of flats and pass it to the three rational functions. This way, the lattice of flats is computed only once.

sage: A = hi.CoxeterArrangement("A5")
sage: L = hi.LatticeOfFlats(A)
sage: CS = hi.CombinatorialSkeleton(A, lattice_of_flats=L)
sage: Z = hi.IgusaZetaFunction(A, lattice_of_flats=L)
sage: TZ = hi.TopologicalZetaFunction(A, lattice_of_flats=L)



  • a hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$,
  • matroid=None : a matroid,
  • lattice_of_flats=None : the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • int_poset=None : the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • verbose=False : turn on print statements.


  • the analytic zeta function associated to $\mathcal{A}$.

Given a suitable $\mathfrak{o}$-representation of a $d$-dimensional hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$, where $\mathfrak{o}$ is a compact discrete valuation ring, the analytic zeta function is defined to be the integral:

[ \zeta_{\mathcal{A}(\mathfrak{o})}(\bm{s}) = \int_{\mathfrak{o}^d} \prod_{x\in\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}(\mathcal{A})} \| \mathcal{A}_x\|^{s_x} \, |\mathrm{d}\bm{X}|. ]

The parameter lattice_of_flats can be used to give the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$, computed by LatticeOfFlats; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None. The paramater int_poset can be used to give in the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None.

Example (Lines through the origin)

We compute one of the analytic zeta functions in Section 4.2 of Maglione–Voll. Let $m\geq 2$ and $\zeta_m$ a primitive $m$th root of unity. We define an arrangement of $m$ lines through the origin, given as the linear factors of $X^m-Y^m$ in $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_m)$. We set $m=5$ for this example.

sage: K = CyclotomicField(5)
sage: R.<X, Y> = PolynomialRing(K)
sage: f = X**5 - Y**5
sage: A = hi.PolynomialToArrangement(f)
sage: A
Arrangement of 5 hyperplanes of dimension 2 and rank 2

The analytic zeta function is then

sage: Z = hi.AnalyticZetaFunction(A)
sage: Z
-((4/q - 1)*(1/q - 1) - t1*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t1/q - 1)) - t2*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t2/q - 1)) - t3*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t3/q - 1)) - t4*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t4/q - 1)) - t5*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t5/q - 1)))/(t1*t2*t3*t4*t5*t6/q^2 - 1)

which is indeed

[ \dfrac{1 - q^{-1}}{1 - q^{-2-s_{\hat{1}} - s_1-\cdots -s_5}} \left(1 - 4q^{-1} + (1 - q^{-1}) \sum_{i=1}^5 \dfrac{q^{-1-s_i}}{1 - q^{-1-s_i}}\right) . ]



  • a hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$,
  • matroid=None : a matroid,
  • lattice_of_flats=None : the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • int_poset=None : the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • verbose=False : turn on print statements.


  • the atom zeta function associated to $\mathcal{A}$.

Given a suitable $\mathfrak{o}$-representation of a $d$-dimensional hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$, where $\mathfrak{o}$ is a compact discrete valuation ring, the atom zeta function is defined to be the integral:

[ \zeta_{\mathcal{A}(\mathfrak{o})}^{\mathrm{at}}(\textbf{s}) = \int_{\mathfrak{o}^d} \prod_{L\in\mathcal{A}(\mathfrak{o})} |L(\bm{X})|^{s_L} \, |\mathrm{d}\bm{X}|. ]

The parameter lattice_of_flats can be used to give the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$, computed by LatticeOfFlats; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None. The paramater int_poset can be used to give in the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None.

Example (Atom zeta function for braid arrangement)

We compute the atom zeta function for the braid arrangement, $\mathcal{A}$, in $\mathbb{R}^4$, which has $6$ hyperplanes, so $\zeta_{\mathcal{A}(\mathfrak{o})}^{\mathrm{at}}(\bm{s})$ has $6$ variables. First we construct the braid arrangement as a Coxeter arrangement of type $\mathsf{A}_3$.

sage: A = hi.CoxeterArrangement("A3")
sage: A
Arrangement of 6 hyperplanes of dimension 4 and rank 3

Now we construct the atom zeta function of $\mathcal{A}$.

sage: Z = hi.AtomZetaFunction(A)
sage: Z
-(((2/q - 1)*(1/q - 1) - t1*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t1/q - 1)) - t2*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t2/q - 1)) - t3*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t3/q - 1)))*t1*t2*t3*(1/q - 1)/(q^2*(t1*t2*t3/q^2 - 1)) + ((2/q - 1)*(1/q - 1) - t2*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t2/q - 1)) - t4*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t4/q - 1)) - t5*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t5/q - 1)))*t2*t4*t5*(1/q - 1)/(q^2*(t2*t4*t5/q^2 - 1)) + ((2/q - 1)*(1/q - 1) - t3*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t3/q - 1)) - t4*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t4/q - 1)) - t6*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t6/q - 1)))*t3*t4*t6*(1/q - 1)/(q^2*(t3*t4*t6/q^2 - 1)) + ((2/q - 1)*(1/q - 1) - t1*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t1/q - 1)) - t5*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t5/q - 1)) - t6*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t6/q - 1)))*t1*t5*t6*(1/q - 1)/(q^2*(t1*t5*t6/q^2 - 1)) + ((1/q - 1)^2 - t1*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t1/q - 1)) - t4*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t4/q - 1)))*t1*t4*(1/q - 1)/(q^2*(t1*t4/q^2 - 1)) + ((1/q - 1)^2 - t3*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t3/q - 1)) - t5*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t5/q - 1)))*t3*t5*(1/q - 1)/(q^2*(t3*t5/q^2 - 1)) + ((1/q - 1)^2 - t2*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t2/q - 1)) - t6*(1/q - 1)^2/(q*(t6/q - 1)))*t2*t6*(1/q - 1)/(q^2*(t2*t6/q^2 - 1)) - t1*(3/q - 2/q^2 - 1)*(1/q - 1)/(q*(t1/q - 1)) - t2*(3/q - 2/q^2 - 1)*(1/q - 1)/(q*(t2/q - 1)) - t3*(3/q - 2/q^2 - 1)*(1/q - 1)/(q*(t3/q - 1)) - t4*(3/q - 2/q^2 - 1)*(1/q - 1)/(q*(t4/q - 1)) - t5*(3/q - 2/q^2 - 1)*(1/q - 1)/(q*(t5/q - 1)) - t6*(3/q - 2/q^2 - 1)*(1/q - 1)/(q*(t6/q - 1)) - 6/q + 11/q^2 - 6/q^3 + 1)/(t1*t2*t3*t4*t5*t6/q^3 - 1)

Expressing $\zeta_{\mathcal{A}(\mathfrak{o})}^{\mathrm{at}}(\bm{s})$ as a quotient of polynomials requires too much text space for this example, so we will just write the denominator:

sage: Z.numerator_denominator()[1]
-(t1*t2*t3*t4*t5*t6 - q^3)*(t1*t2*t3 - q^2)*(t2*t4*t5 - q^2)*(t3*t4*t6 - q^2)*(t1*t5*t6 - q^2)*(q - t1)*(q - t2)*(q - t3)*(q - t4)*(q - t5)*(q - t6)

which, up to multiples of $q$, is

[ \left(1-q^{-3}t_1\cdots t_6\right) \left(1-q^{-2}t_1t_2t_3\right) \left(1-q^{-2}t_2t_4t_5\right) \left(1-q^{-2}t_3t_4t_6\right) \left(1-q^{-2}t_1t_5t_6\right) \prod_{i=1}^6 \left(1 - q^{-1}t_i\right). ]

Example (Multiplicativity of atom zeta functions)

We verify that the atom zeta function is multiplicative, which follows from Fubini's theorem. We demonstrate this using the Boolean arrangement: $\mathsf{A}_1^n$.

sage: A = hi.CoxeterArrangement("A1")
sage: A
Arrangement <x0 - x1>
sage: B = hi.DirectSum([A for i in range(5)])
sage: B
Arrangement of 5 hyperplanes of dimension 10 and rank 5

Now we compute the atom zeta functions of $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$.

sage: Z_A = hi.AtomZetaFunction(A)
sage: Z_B = hi.AtomZetaFunction(B)

The first atom zeta function is simple:

sage: Z_A
(1/q - 1)/(t1/q - 1)

and equal to

[ \dfrac{1-q^{-1}}{1-q^{-1}t_1}. ]

The second atom zeta function is

sage: Z_B.numerator_denominator()
(q^5 - 5*q^4 + 10*q^3 - 10*q^2 + 5*q - 1,
 (q - t1)*(q - t2)*(q - t3)*(q - t4)*(q - t5))

which is equal to

[ \prod_{i=1}^5\dfrac{1-q^{-1}}{1 - q^{-1}t_i}. ]



  • a hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$,
  • matroid=None : a matroid,
  • lattice_of_flats=None : the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • int_poset=None : the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • numerator=False : only return the numerator $\mathcal{N}_{\mathcal{A}}(Y, T)$,
  • verbose=False : turn on print statements.


  • the coarse flag Hilbert–Poincaré series associated to $\mathcal{A}$.

The coarse flag Hilbert–Poincaré series of $\mathcal{A}$ is defined to be:

[ cfHP_{\mathcal{A}} (Y, T) = \sum_{F\in\Delta(\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}(\mathcal{A}))} \pi_F(Y) \left(\dfrac{T}{1 - T}\right)^{|F|} = \dfrac{\mathcal{N}_{\mathcal{A}}(Y, T)}{(1 - T)^{\mathrm{rk}(\mathcal{A})}}. ]

The parameter lattice_of_flats can be used to give the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$, computed by LatticeOfFlats; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None. The paramater int_poset can be used to give in the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None.

Example (Boolean skeleton)

We verify that the Boolean arrangement, $\mathcal{A}$, of rank $n$ satisfies the equation

[ {\sf cfHP}_{\mathcal{A}}(Y, T) = \dfrac{(1+ Y)^nE_n(T)}{(1 - T)^n}, ]

where $E_n(T)$ is the $n$th Eulerian polynomial. We set $n=6$ for this example.

sage: A = hi.CoxeterArrangement(["A1" for i in range(6)])
sage: A
Arrangement of 6 hyperplanes of dimension 12 and rank 6
sage: S = hi.CoarseFlagHPSeries(A)
sage: S.factor()
(T^4 + 56*T^3 + 246*T^2 + 56*T + 1)*(T + 1)*(Y + 1)^6/(T - 1)^6

Example (Coxeter skeletons at ${\footnotesize Y=1}$)

We verify Theorem D of Maglione--Voll for the Coxeter arrangement of type $\mathsf{D}_5$. Thus, we will show that

[ {\sf cfHP}_{\mathsf{D}_5} (1, T) = 1920\cdot \dfrac{1 + 26T + 66T^2 + 26T^3 + T^4}{(1 - T)^5}, ]

sage: A = hi.CoxeterArrangement("D5")
sage: A
Arrangement of 20 hyperplanes of dimension 5 and rank 5
sage: S = hi.CoarseFlagHPSeries(A)
sage: S.factor()
-(T^4*Y^4 + 19*T^4*Y^3 + 397*T^3*Y^4 + 131*T^4*Y^2 + 3074*T^3*Y^3 + 3143*T^2*Y^4 + 389*T^4*Y + 8556*T^3*Y^2 + 15624*T^2*Y^3 + 3239*T*Y^4 + 420*T^4 + 9694*T^3*Y + 25826*T^2*Y^2 + 9694*T*Y^3 + 420*Y^4 + 3239*T^3 + 15624*T^2*Y + 8556*T*Y^2 + 389*Y^3 + 3143*T^2 + 3074*T*Y + 131*Y^2 + 397*T + 19*Y + 1)*(Y + 1)/(T - 1)^5

So we get exactly what we expect:

sage: S(Y=1).factor()/1920
-(T^4 + 26*T^3 + 66*T^2 + 26*T + 1)/(T - 1)^5



  • a hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$,
  • matroid=None : a matroid,
  • lattice_of_flats=None : the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • int_poset=None : the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • verbose=False : turn on print statements.


  • the flag Hilbert–Poincaré series associated to $\mathcal{A}$.

The flag Hilbert–Poincaré series of $\mathcal{A}$ is defined to be:

[ fHP_{\mathcal{A}} (Y, \bm{T}) = \sum_{F\in\Delta(\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}(\mathcal{A}))} \pi_F(Y) \prod_{x\in F} \frac{T_x}{1 - T_x}. ]

The parameter lattice_of_flats can be used to give the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$, computed by LatticeOfFlats; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None. The paramater int_poset can be used to give in the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None.

Example (Lines through the origin again)

Because of the massive amount of variables in this function (and the analytic zeta function), we keep the number of hyperplanes small in this example. We compute the flag Hilbert–Poincaré series of the same arrangement given in the analytic zeta function example, so we will not redo the construction of $\mathcal{A}$.

sage: A
Arrangement of 5 hyperplanes of dimension 2 and rank 2
sage: hi.FlagHilbertPoincareSeries(A)
-((4*Y + 1)*(Y + 1) - T1*(Y + 1)^2/(T1 - 1) - T2*(Y + 1)^2/(T2 - 1) - T3*(Y + 1)^2/(T3 - 1) - T4*(Y + 1)^2/(T4 - 1) - T5*(Y + 1)^2/(T5 - 1))/(T6 - 1)

This is, indeed, equal to

[ \dfrac{1 + Y}{1 - T_6}\left(1 + 4Y + (1 + Y)\sum_{i=1}\dfrac{T_i}{1 - T_i}\right). ]



  • a hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$ or a polynomial $f$,
  • matroid=None : a matroid,
  • lattice_of_flats=None : the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • int_poset=None : the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • verbose=False : turn on print statements.


  • Igusa's local zeta function associated to either $\mathcal{A}$ or $f$.

If a polynomial, $f$, is given, we require that $f$ be the product of linear factors. Symbolic expressions and strings are fine as well, provided SageMath interprets them as a polynomial. This kind of input should be acceptable for PolynomialToArrangement.

For a compact discrete valuation ring $\mathfrak{o}$ and a polynomial $f\in \mathfrak{o}[X_1,\dots, X_d]$, Igusa's local zeta function associated with $f$ is

[ Z_f(s) = \int_{\mathfrak{o}^d} |f(\bm{X})|^s\, |\mathrm{d}\bm{X}|. ]

If $Q_\mathcal{A}$ is the defining polynomial of a hyperplane arrangement, then Igusa's local zeta function associated $\mathcal{A}$ is $Z_{Q_\mathcal{A}}(s)$.

The parameter lattice_of_flats can be used to give the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$, computed by LatticeOfFlats; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None. The paramater int_poset can be used to give in the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None.

Example (Polynomial vs. hyperplane arrangement input)

We demonstrate the two different inputs while showing that polynomials need not have distinct linear factors as is the case with hyperplane arrangements. Let $f(x,y,z) = xy^2z^3$, so that the associated hyperplane arrangement is the Boolean arrangement of rank $3$.

sage: f = 'x*y^2*z^3'
sage: A = hi.PolynomialToArrangement(f)
sage: A
Arrangement <z | y | x>

Now we compare their Igusa zeta functions. The Igusa zeta function associated with $f$ is

sage: Z_f = hi.IgusaZetaFunction(f)
sage: Z_f.factor()
(q - 1)^3/((t^3 - q)*(t^2 - q)*(q - t))

which is

[ \dfrac{(1 - q^{-1})^3}{(1 - q^{-1}t) (1 - q^{-1}t^2) (1 - q^{-1}t^3)}. ]

The Igusa zeta function associated with $\mathcal{A}$ is

sage: Z_A = hi.IgusaZetaFunction(A)
sage: Z_A.factor()
(q - 1)^3/(q - t)^3

which is equal to

[ \dfrac{(1 - q^{-1})^3}{(1 - q^{-1}t)^3} . ]



  • a hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$ or a polynomial $f$,
  • matroid=None : a matroid,
  • multivariate=False : return the multivariate zeta function associated with $\mathcal{A}$,
  • atom=False : return the atom specialization of the multivariate zeta function associated with $\mathcal{A}$,
  • lattice_of_flats=None : the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • int_poset=None : the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$,
  • verbose=False : turn on print statements.


  • the topological zeta function associated to either $\mathcal{A}$ or $f$.

If a polynomial, $f$, is given, we require that $f$ be the product of linear factors. Symbolic expressions and strings are fine as well, provided SageMath interprets them as a polynomial. This kind of input should be acceptable for PolynomialToArrangement.

For a hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$, the multivariate topological zeta function associated with $\mathcal{A}$ is [ \zeta_{\mathcal{A}}^{\mathrm{top}}(\bm{s}) = \sum_{F\in \Delta(\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}(\mathcal{A}))} \pi_{\mathcal{A},F}^\circ(-1) \prod_{x\in F} \dfrac{1}{\mathrm{rk}(x) + \sum_{y\in\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}(\mathcal{A}_x)}s_y} . ]

Depending on the parameters multivariate and atom, different topological zeta functions are returned. If multivariate=True and atom=False, then the multivariate topological zeta function is returned. If mutlivariate=True and atom=True, then the atom specialization is returned; namely, [ \zeta_{\mathcal{A}}^{\mathrm{top},\mathrm{at}}(\bm{s}) = \zeta_{\mathcal{A}}^{\mathrm{top}}\left((s_x\cdot \delta_{|A_x|=1})_{x\in\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}(\mathcal{A})}\right). ]

Lastly, if multivariate=False, then the (univariate) topological zeta function is returned, which is defined to be [ Z_{\mathcal{A}}^{\mathrm{top}}(s) = \zeta_{\mathcal{A}}^{\mathrm{top},\mathrm{at}}\left((s)_{L\in\mathcal{A}}\right) . ]

The parameter lattice_of_flats can be used to give the lattice of flats of $\mathcal{A}$, computed by LatticeOfFlats; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None. The paramater int_poset can be used to give in the intersection poset of $\mathcal{A}$; otherwise this parameter should stay set to None.

Example (Shi arrangement)

We consider the Shi $\mathsf{A}_2$ arrangement and compute its topological zeta function. The Shi $\mathsf{A}_2$ arrangement is defined to be [ \mathcal{S} \mathsf{A}_2 = \left\{X_i - X_j - k ~\middle|~ 1\leq i < j\leq 3,\; k\in \{0,1\}\right\}. ]

sage: A = hi.ShiArrangement("A2")
sage: A
Arrangement of 6 hyperplanes of dimension 3 and rank 2

The topological zeta function is

sage: Z = hi.TopologicalZetaFunction(A)
sage: Z
-9/(s + 1) - 3*(s - 2)/((3*s + 2)*(s + 1)) + 3/(s + 1)^2 + 4

which is equivalent to [ Z_{\mathcal{S}\mathsf{A}_2}^{\mathrm{top}}(s) = \dfrac{2 - 5s + 2s^2 + 12s^3}{(s+1)^2(3s+2)} . ]